Wednesday, September 25, 2002

Steps to total dental health

Why would a chiropractor be writing about dental health? Because a wholistic health care practitioner looks at the whole body in order to reach the ultimate goal of health and wellness.

In the 10 Steps to Total Health we are concerned with the presence of heavy metal toxicity and the effect it has on the body. How do we detect heavy metals?

Mineral hair analysis.

Kinesiological testing.

Electro dermal screening with the Body Scan 2010.

Let's examine why metal fillings and root canals are so detrimental to our health.

Electrical disturbances

To begin with, the acupuncture meridian system is like a series of communication cables, carrying and exchanging electrical and energetic information about the body, in a ceaseless effort to monitor and maintain balance and wellness. All meridians flow through the teeth.

Each tooth is tied to a specific organ. A short circuit of a particular meridian may result from metal fillings, root canals, crowns, pins and bridges. Amalgam fillings are tiny packages of conductive metals which can act like tiny batteries or capacitors, releasing or absorbing meridian energy. Research in Germany has demonstrated that 85 percent of chronic degenerative diseases are related to metal fillings. In fact, most health care practitioners in Europe will not even treat a patient until they have their amalgams removed!

Heavy metal toxicity

A silver amalgam is approximately 50 percent mercury and 33 percent silver. Mercury is more toxic than lead or arsenic. The World Health Commission has concluded: "There is NO SAFE level of mercury in any form for anyone." Mercury is an intolerable toxin. The human body contains no enzyme defense for detoxifying mercury. Reported symptoms include: chronic fatigue, headaches, allergies, joint pain, neurological damage, Çhron's disease, Lupus, depression, arthritis, just to name a few.

Root canals

Dr. Weston Price first reported startling connections between dentistry and health that have been largely ignored in America since they were first reported in the 1930's. Dr. Weston was the first to investigate the biological impact of root canals. In some of Dr. Price's research, he found a pus pocket at the base of every tooth with a root canal, consisting of mutated, ananerobic bacteria. He injected material from the pus pockets into rabbits, and in a short period of time, all the rabbits died of heart disease. Modern European research has verified that at the base of virtually ALL root canals, there are bacterial toxins that are also found in the pericardium and endocardium of diseased hearts. In addition, there has been a strong correlation found between breast cancer and root canals.

The solution

The Body Scan is a FDA registered instrument and testing device that measures physiological responses to certain stimuli. Detection of heavy metals and bacterial toxins may hold the answer to many of your health problems. Repairing the nutrition and biochemistry of the body, removing infective organisms, and re-inoculating the intestines with healthy flora are part of the 10 steps to Total Health. Specific homeopathic remedies may also trigger detoxification of heavy metals (mercury and silver) in the body. The Result? Improved health and wellness.

For a courtesy consultation and demonstration of our services, please call 770-719-8785.

Dr. Vernonique Desaulniers

(The above statements have not been evaluation or approved by the FDA. They are not intended to cure or diagnose. Please seek care from your primary care physician for any health concerns you may have.)

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