Friday, September 20, 2002

Landmark has a new song to sing

Premiering at graduation this past May, Landmark Christian School's first alma mater is an original work written by the school's high school English chair Rebecca Riskedahl. The chorus sang the new alma mater in four-part harmony. The moving piece was arranged and directed by Landmark choral director Beth Everett.

The song will be a part of formal occasions within the school, such as the Senior Convocation, Homecoming, and graduation ceremonies. Headmaster Terry Harrison asked Riskedahl to take on the alma mater project at the beginning of last school year. It was completed and presented to the faculty in the fall.

"It was Mr. Harrison's idea," Riskedahl said, "but he gave me a very free hand." She said he wanted the song to provide "a sense of continuity, school pride, and also to put into words what we as Landmark have as values."

As she sat down to create the words, Riskedahl asked herself, "Who are we at Landmark, and what are the things that we value?" First she knew that she definitely wanted to reference the trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. She also felt it was important to include the three areas where Landmark's mission is put into action - at home, at school and in the world. And finally, Riskedahl felt it important to incorporate the 1 Corinthians 13:13 values of faith, hope and love.

At the time she began the project, Riskedahl happened to be teaching her 10th grade English students Dante's Inferno, "Which is very precise in its construction," she said. "I think part of that construction rubbed off in this." The words are very carefully and precisely constructed for rhyme, brevity and rhythm. Riskedahl didn't want any of the verses and their rhythm to sound forced.

"I quite like the last line of each verse," she said, "that Landmark is only about God's business - physically, socially and spiritually."

Riskedahl felt that many alma maters tend to be "maudlin" and "sappy," with phrases like "ivy-covered walls" and "our dear old school." "I didn't want ours to be silly or overly sentimental," she said, "but more service-oriented and purposeful. I hoped the verses would help us to be better, not make us be content; and would remind us of what work there is to do for the kingdom of God.

"I hope when people sing this song, that's what they'll leave with: their opportunity to do service for Jesus Christ."


Landmark! The Blue and Gold

Let us be learners bold;

Courage and truth enfold

Each day in school.

We sing our Creator's praises;

In work and play we raise,

Faithfully, all our days,

For God and Landmark.

Landmark! The eagle flies,

As heartfelt prayers arise,

Bringing clean hearts, clear eyes

In every home.

What Christ did upon the tree,

Make us one family;

Love is the victory,

For God and Landmark.

Landmark! By day, by night,

Teach us to walk aright,

And hold your honor bright

In all the world.

We seek Spirit pow'r anew,

Hopeful in all we do,

We serve as unto you,

For God and Landmark.