Friday, August 30, 2002

PTC council must decide whether to renew city manager's contract


Rumors are swirling about the employment status of Peachtree City's city manager, but no public officials are commenting on the record about the issue, which has not been discussed publicly by the City Council.

It is, however, clear that the city council must soon determine whether Jim Basinger will remain at the city's helm, a position he has served in since Nov. 1984. That's because of a clause in his contract with the city that allows either party to decline renewal of the agreement no later than Sept. 30 of each year. The contract stipulates, however, that even if it is terminated, he will remain as city manager until Dec. 31 of this year.

Council has taken no official action on the matter and several council members contacted for this article declined to comment, as Basinger did through city spokesperson Betsy Tyler.

If council terminates Basinger after Sept. 30, the city must pay his full salary and benefits through the end of the following year, the contract states. The contract stipulates his salary as $8,350 a month, which equals $100,200 a year.

The contract, which was entered Oct. 4 last year, also contains several exemptions that would allow the city to fire Basinger without further compensation.

Mayor Steve Brown said he declines to comment on personnel matters.

"Personnel matters are incredibly sensitive and it's a liability," Brown said.

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