Wednesday, August 28, 2002

Give your kids a healthy start back to school

As the days get shorter and the sound of school bells fills the air, here's a back-to-school checklist that will keep your kids healthy all year long-and for many more to come. Studies show that healthy habits that begin in childhood will likely last for a lifetime, and a healthy lifestyle may result in a decreased risk for a number of diseases, including cancer.

Eat 5 A Day. You can help your children by making sure that they eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables each day. A little can go a long way add some fruit on top of pudding or a handful of berries to cereal. Put lettuce on a sandwich or give your kids a couple of cherry tomatoes for a snack. Even these small amounts will add up to a serving when eaten over the course of the day.

Exercise every day. Since school-aged children may become less active, get your child involved in physical activities by starting a family exercise program. Walk, bike, hike, swim, in-line skate together at least twice a week.

Wear sunscreen. Playing outdoors is a terrific way for kids to get healthy exercise, but teach them to protect their skin with a waterproof sunscreen of at least SPF 15, even on hazy days, no matter their skin color.

Just say "no." Educate your child about the dangers of alcohol, tobacco and drugs to help them lead a healthy life!

The best thing you can do for your kids? Be a good role model and practice what you preach.

For more healthy ideas, visit

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