The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, August 21, 2002

Funds raised for Caldwell

A spaghetti supper and silent auction was held for Samantha Caldwell, 3, daughter of Bobby and Stacey Caldwell of Fayetteville. Stacey is a 1980 graduate of Fayette County High School.

Samantha and her twin sister, Nicole, were born three months early. When they were just two weeks old, Samantha had a brain hemorrhage and it has left her with cerebral palsy, epilepsy, hydrocephalus, asthma, visual impairment and developmental delays. She is a student at the Joseph Sams School, where she receives all available therapies.

Friends and relatives have been raising over $30,000 to send Samantha and her mother to the Euromed Rehabilitation Center in Mielno, Poland. Each rehabilitation session lasts about 28 days, including six days of exercises a week, with Sunday is a day of rest. Each patient will receive treatment in one form or another six times a day. The Caldwells estimate that it will take three trips, about 3 to 6 months apart, to adequately help their daughter. There will also be home therapy in between trips.

Their goal is to advance Samantha's mobility and to improve her speech.

The North Fayette Baptist Church held a successful spaghetti supper and silent auction for the family and raised $1,700. The Samantha Caldwell Trust Fund now has just over $30,000.

Stacey and Samantha leave Sept. 16 for Poland, and will be in the air about 20 hours before reaching their destination. When arriving, they will be met at the airport for the two-hour drive, and translators are always on hand.

The campaign to raise funds began this past March and a number of events have been held such as yard sales, jars out in the community, car wash, Hooters raffled a golf bag, as well as holding a cookout on July 4, and "lots and lots of prayers" the family said.

Other children in the family are Billy, 13, and Kayla, 11.
Samantha Caldwell, 3, and her father, Bobby, look over some of the items at a silent auction. The event was at North Fayette Baptist Church, along with a spaghetti supper, to raise funds for the youngster, afflicted with cerebral palsy. Photo/Carolyn Cary.


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