Friday, August 16, 2002

Summary of candidates' views

David Scott (D)

13th Congressional District

David Scott's Top Priorities for the 13th Congressional District:

Developing safer, smarter schools. In Congress, David Scott will fight to shake loose funds to hire more well-trained teachers to reduce class sizes even further and restore discipline by getting character education and important values like honesty and respect back in the curriculum. He'll fight to secure more college scholarships for our students and he'll support financial assistance programs that help working families plan for their children's college education.

Providing affordable health care for all. In Congress, David Scott will fight to make health care affordable for everyone and he'll continue his tireless efforts to increase funding for the research necessary to have early detection, prevention and cure of cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and other diseases that affect our community. He will fight to pass a real Patient's Bill of Rights, one that will allow doctors and patients to make medical decisions, not HMO accountants. David Scott will also vote to modernize Medicare to cover the costs of prescription drugs.

Keeping our children, families and environment safe. In Congress, David Scott will fight to keep our streets safe and our rivers, streams and air clean. He'll also fight to create jobs and expand opportunity for small businesses.

Donzella James (D)

13th Congressional District

State Senator Donzella James is a candidate for Georgia's newly created Thirteenth Congressional District.

Having worked with children, she knows that education is a compass to tomorrow's future. Corresponding with this belief, from Pre-K to anti-drop-out high school programs, she has always championed for improving education in the Georgia legislature.

During her eight-year tenure in the Georgia Legislature, she has fought for child endangerment laws that will protect children from sexual abuse. Not only has she fought for child endangerment laws, she has fought for better teen driving and safety laws.

In addition to encompassing the minds of tomorrow's leaders, she has supported legislation that honors and respects different religions. Having worked on Georgia's faith-based initiative, she supported moments of silence. Moreover, she has advocated strongly for tougher DUI legislation as well as the closing of landfills for a safe and clean environment. Moreover, as a union member of working people, Donzella has first hand knowledge of the need for good jobs at good pay.

In Congress, she will continue to fight for pay equity. On August 20th, vote for Donzella James, she is the right woman, in the right place, at the right time for Congress.

(The other candidates in this race Greg K. Hecht (D), Embry Malone (D), David Worley (D), and Clay Cox (R) did not respond.)