Friday, August 16, 2002

Emory Wilkerson Candidate for State Senate, District 34

Editor's note: The Citizen invited all Fayette legislative candidates to submit written statements for its Aug. 14 edition. Mr. Wilkerson's statement was inadvertantly omitted. It is printed here in its entirety.

As your State Senator, I will serve you by working for continued education improvement, maintaining a high quality of life, and reduced taxes.

I will work hard for excellence in all schools, through greater local control, empowerment of teachers, increased accountability and rewards for teachers, putting para-professionals back in the classroom, and promoting more competition by enhancing the development of charter schools. Also, I am the only candidate for the State Senate, District 34, who supports school choice for parents supplemented with tuition and tutorial scholarships.

Secondly, our quality of life is greatly impacted by growth, which results in increased traffic and poor air quality. I am a proponent of managed growth, which follows an adopted long-range plan that matches growth with the appropriate infra-structure of transportation, schools, etc.

Lastly, managing the size of government is the key to reducing our growing tax burden. Our government needs to do more with less. I will support a review of all government services to make sure they are appropriate, and I will support legislation which lowers the state income tax rate, returning a portion of the yearly state tax surplus back to you, the taxpayer.

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