Wednesday, August 14, 2002

'Rent-a-Wife' ready to help you pack for move

For the majority of us, the verb "relocate" is a four-letter word. The thought of moving a household or office is downright aversive because it entails sorting, sifting, and packing literally hundreds of thousand of items. All belongings, large and small, must be wrapped, stuffed, and otherwise secured in boxes, bins and bags. And the worst part is that life doesn't take a vacation while you're trying to do it.

It's enough to cause even the heartiest individual to meltdown. That's the bad news.

The good news is there's packing help available.

Penny Hampton, owner of Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife, is like dynamite a small package, but a powerful force. As a single mother of four children, Hampton has an abundance of vibrant energy and a vast supply of motivation for assisting people who are under the stress of relocating.

During her last move to a new home, she experienced firsthand the stress of trying to pack while maintaining a job, keeping house, and raising children simultaneously. It almost drove her to the breaking point.

Hampton sums up her packing service this way.

"I knew from experience that relocating is traumatic and stressful... even when it's a move you look forward to making," she said. "After my last experience, I got a clear vision of the type of service that could have made a huge difference for me. Unfortunately, it didn't exist, so I created it in order to help others. My objective with Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife is to provide support for people during times of transition."

Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife isn't your typical packing service by any stretch of the imagination. For starters, Hampton's service is far more economical than packing services provided by moving companies. She carefully prepares your home for moving day and, as if that's not enough, when the job requires more than eight hours of packing, she throws in a complimentary Finale Feast.

On your final evening in your old home, Hampton brings in her secret weapon: a picnic basket loaded with goodies. In a matter of minutes, your living room floor (or table, if there's one still available) begins to resemble a corner table in a small French cafe. Your parting moments at your old address are spent with a catered meal spread out on a blue plaid tablecloth complete with festive dinnerware, candles, and nice touches galore. What a way to end the day! Then, when you think there couldn't possibly be more, you find out that she will come back and clean the empty house to prepare it for the new owners. Full service has been redefined.

When asked why she goes the extra mile, Hampton responded, "When we were relocating, I would have thought I had died and gone to heaven if someone had brought us a cheerful picnic dinner the last night in our old house. I thought it would be a fabulous way to send someone off to a new life. My clients love it."

Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife doesn't just offer packing services for those who are relocating. Hampton gladly takes on small-scale packing jobs such as organizing and packing off-season clothing and archiving office records and files.

Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife also provides a sideline service that's a dream-come-true for busy professionals and overworked housewives. If you're just too tired to cook dinner tonight or too busy to organize that closet, Genesis 18 Rent-A-Wife comes to the rescue.

Is there anything this lady won't tackle? In this day and time, it's good to know the cavalry rides again ... even if it's wearing an apron.

For more information, call 404-451-4388.

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