Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Health Wise
Child's Play

It is hard to believe, but another summer is more than half over and within just a few weeks, our children will be back in the classroom.

A day in the sunshine

The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke reports that between 10 and 20 out of every 10,000 people suffer from autism. Because symptoms of autism usually appear within the first three years of life, many of these individuals are children.

Food safety

Some of the most enjoyable times during the summer are those spent with family and friends at outdoor barbeques and picnics.We would not want ourmemories of food and good times marred byan unwanted guest: food-borne illness.

Scoliosis: Wait and see or take action

Scoliosis is defined as a side-to-side curvature of the spine. It is considered "idiopathic", which means the cause is unknown.

New long-term acute care hospital proposed at SRMC

In conjunction with Southern Crescent Long Term Acute Care Hospital (SCLTACH), Southern Regional Medical Center has filed a Certificate of Need for a Long Term Acute Care (LTAC) hospital to be located within its facility. SCLTACH is a newly formed not-for-profit company that will oversee the development and ongoing operation of the LTAC hospital.

Vaccine supplies returning to normal

Recent shortages of some childhood vaccines are ending in Georgia and in District Four, according to Dr. Michael Brackett, District Medical Director.

Common causes of nerve hearing loss

Although hearing loss can occur at any age, it is one of the most common problems in the over-50 population, affecting about 15 percent of the 45-64 year-old group. Only arthritis and hypertension are more common.

Quit Line extends hours to meet demand

Since its launch in November 2001, more than 12,000 Georgians have called the Quit Line, 1-877-270-STOP, to receive up-to-date information and steps on how to remove tobacco from their lives.

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