Friday, July 26, 2002

Some S. Fulton students already back in class


Two of South Fulton's schools got a head start on classes this year.

The county's only two-year round schools, College Park Elementary School and Parklane Elementary School in East Point, returned to classes last week. The schools provide students the same 180-day school year as traditional schools, but have a school calendar that is spread throughout the year to provide more continuity in learning.

Students attend nine weeks of school, followed by a three-week break and intersession, which operates similar to summer school for enrichment and remedial learning. The students then have a summer break of six weeks.

Research indicates that year-round schooling improves students' knowledge and curriculum retention by providing shorter, but more frequent breaks, in the school year instead of one longer break during the summer months.

College Park Elementary became the first year-round school in Georgia in 1991. Parklane Elementary, the other year-round school in Fulton, was approved for year-round status in December 2001. Parklane administrators studied the year-round schooling concept over the last two years and then as a staff decided to move forward with consulting the parents and community. The support was overwhelming and parents also voted to adopt the year-round calendar. This is the first year for year-round schooling for Parklane students.

Parklane parents held a rally on the first day of school to welcome back students. The Boys Chorale from nearby Paul D. West Middle School also performed.