The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

New vote machine, candidates to be displayed


One of Georgia's new touch-screen voting computers will be on display Tuesday night at a forum designed to have citizens mingle with candidates in the upcoming Aug. 20 primary.

Each candidate running for county commission has agreed to attend the forum, which will be Tuesday, July 23, from 7-9 p.m. at the Campbell Room of the Wyndham Peachtree Conference Center in Peachtree City.

Frances Meaders of the Peachtree City Rotary Club, which is sponsoring the function, said she hopes having the voting machine on display will entice more people to come. The public is invited and light refreshments will be served, she added.

The forum will serve as an informal gathering so voters can meet the candidates, but the candidates will be formally introduced and allowed to say a few words during the event, Meaders said.

Candidates who have committed to attend the event as of press time yesterday include:

For county commission: Caroline Smith, Thomas Stephens, Linda Wells, Greg Dunn and Mike Wheat;

For Senate District 34: Chuck Meadows and Emory Wilkinson;

Others planning to attend include Diane Masengale, running for Senate District 17; Mitch Seabaugh, running for Senate District 28; Merrill Massengale and John Lunsford, both running for House District 85, Post 2.