The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, July 3, 2002

Wheat running for Post 4 commission seat

Former Fayetteville Mayor Mike Wheat has announced his candidacy for the Post 5 seat on the Fayette County Commission.

Wheat, a lifelong Republican, served as mayor of Fayetteville from 1991 to 1999 after a term on the City Council. He has also served on the Atlanta Regional Commission, the state's 1996 Local Governance Commission and various statewide Georgia Municipal Association committees.

He is a 25-year employee of IBM. He wife of 30 years, Debbie, is a former principal of two Fayette County elementary schools and is now the reading and elementary language coordinator for the county school system. They have two children: Dr. Sarah Wheat Hartley D.V.M., of the Southern Crescent Animal Emergency Clinic in Fayetteville; and Nathan Wheat, an Atlanta attorney.

"Debbie and I are looking forward to a positive campaign based on record, not rhetoric facts, not fear and I want folks who support me to do the same," Wheat said. "What we need is positive leadership and a cooperative, win-win approach. Actions we take now will determine our quality of life for years."

Wheat called "traffic and cooperation" the county's two top issues.

"As your county commissioner, I pledge to work in concert with any and all Fayette officials to focus on short- and long-term traffic solutions and to more effectively seek road money from state and federal agencies," he said. "I will aggressively pursue impact fees to raise road money, and I will push for a '21st century land use plan' that reduces our buildout population and mitigates traffic."

Saying that "Fayette County is greater than we know," Wheat wants to improve quality of life; build an open, honest county government; and have a service-oriented, cooperative county government that puts the citizens first.

For more information on his campaign, go to

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