The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, June 26, 2002

FCHS class celebrates 50-year reunion


There were 33 members of Fayette County High School to graduate in 1952. Three of those are now deceased and of the remaining 30, 26 were on hand for its 50th high school reunion. All but five of them live in the general Fayette County area.

Class members remember that owning your own car or truck was unheard of, and one had to be borrowed from parents or older siblings to go anywhere. An "outing" meant trying to borrow enough trucks to go to Indian Springs for a picnic. They rode in the backs of the trucks, which would be illegal today.

The class went to Washington, D.C., for its senior trip and chaperons were Mrs. G. Ed. "Ma" Giles and Coach Harvey McNease. For many, it was the first time they had been out of the state of Georgia and the first time to stay in a hotel.

Two of the class members are Charles Ballard and Bobby Butler. Years later, the daughter of Charles married a son of Bobby.

Among those always invited to party with them are members of the 1951 class, whose numbers were too small to have a reunion of their own.

Officers of the class were Norbert West, president; Betty Jo Mask, vice president; Joyce Davis, secretary; and Kathleen Adams, treasurer. Serving as co-valedictorians were Jan Adams Trammell Hutto and Jerry Kirby Bramblett, while the salutatorian was Charles Ballard.

Those members remaining in Fayette County remembered that the population of the county in 1951 was 8,000 and is now 95,000.


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