The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, June 21, 2002

Remembering the past can help people stay focused and on track

It's good, from time to time, to remember. Remembering reminds us of lessons learned, loves won and lost, successes in which to bask, and failures from which to learn. A few weeks ago, as the nation was remembering it's war dead during memorial Day weekend, we called our congregation to remembrance.

Chinese government decided to play God, and now the people suffer

I haven't seen that new "Bachelorettes" show on Fox television, but I know to go for the second season after wrapping up production in Alaska. It seems that China has plenty of available men right now, and the number is growing fast.

Lightning bugs in the summer and monsters hiding under the bed
By Rick Ryckeley
Fayette County Fire & Emergency Services

It just didn't seem fair that everyone else got a bedroom to himself, but I had to always share my room with Twin Brother Mark. We shared everything: long pants during the winter, short pants during the summer, shoes, socks, shirts and the worst thing was we even had to share our toys. At six years old, we shared everything, even the monster that lived under the bed.

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