Wednesday, June 5 2002
Home & Garden

Invasion of the garden snatchers

Scientists estimate there may be 10 million different kinds of insects in the world. Along with the thousands of weeds, rodents, plant diseases and other living things that we may classify as "pests," how is the average person supposed to understand it all?

The 'sink' sense: Choosing a sink that's right for you

Not too long ago, homeowners had two choices when it came to selecting a new kitchen sink cast iron or stainless. There were few choices of colors or shapes, and certainly no options for any customized sink accessories. So today's myriad of sink choices come as a refreshing change to those who want to personalize their kitchen.

Birds, bees and butterflies celebrate diazinon ban

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has banned two of the most commonly used pesticides for home use based on data showing the chemicals cause more harm than previously thought.

Clocks that keep pace with Father Time (Mother Nature, too)

You can't exactly beat Mother Nature or Father Time, but now you can keep pace with them a little more easily with clocks that automatically update for Daylight Saving Time and desktop weather stations that give you weather reports for your area.

Yearning for the green, green grass of home?

Even after watering your grass day after day, you might wonder why your lawn isn't maintaining its optimal lush green color. That's because lawns need more than just water for maximum color saturation and stress relief.

Trends: The colors of life

What colors are hot now? The trend is toward organic neutrals and soft neutrals that offer just the suggestion of color.

Temporary window shades ideal for new homes, apartments

Have you ever wanted to create a different look for your living room but hesitated because you thought it would be too expensive or too time consuming? What if you could simply and easily change the look of any room in your home without spending a lot of time or money?

Decorating with wallpaper

True decorating distinction lies in details little finishing touches and unusual twists that make a room entirely unique. To put your personal mark of creativity in your home, do what many professional interior designers do: Head for the border.

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