Sunday, May 26, 2002

Way to go! Teachers and students!

Religion Columnist

That's right. "Way to go!" Both teachers and students at all levels of education! You've made another year! And we salute you for your good work!

As many of you know, I write and pray frequently about teachers, students, and education at the beginning of each school year. And I'll do that again when school starts in August. But let's not forget to give thanks and praise now that another successful school year has been accomplished.

Let's start in the right place, where we always must start. "Thank You, O God" for Your blessings upon our students, teachers, administrators, school board, resource officers, bus drivers, and all staff as another nine months of teaching and learning comes to a close. Yes, it's You, O God, who make all things possible! We praise You! We give You the glory! Amen!

Students, you made it! You did it! Congratulations! We're proud of your efforts and accomplishments! We saw you do great things this year! You studied and learned. You worked hard and played hard. You excelled in academics, athletics, and all your extracurricular activities. You took the gifts and talents God gave you and used them to glorify Him! That's what life is all about!

Graduates, we give you distinctive congratulations! What a great accomplishment! What a marvelous milestone in your life! We pray for your further success and achievements. We need you in this world as ones who will contribute to the peace and betterment of our society. I know you will commit your lives to this endeavor.

Teachers, Administrators, and Staff, you should get to "pass GO AND collect $200"! As I have said many times before, you are fulfilling a calling, not just doing a job. Thank you for your tireless hours, days, and months of caring and coordinating. Bless you for the special efforts you made not only to present the material, but also to make sure the slowest among the class actually received it and mastered it. Have a good summer! Get some rest! We'll need you again in a big way in August!

And a grand pat on the back here for you our bus drivers. You are truly our unsung heroes of education! What a job you do! You not only transport students safely and punctually, but you must be parent, principal, and police all at the same time! We hope you have a good summer. Give "The Cheese" (as some affectionately call your beloved vehicle) a much deserved rest, and we'll see you at the corner at 7:00 a.m. on Monday, August 12.

Finally, parents, "you deserve a break today" ­ maybe even all summer! Every professional educator says over and over again that it's parents who determine whether education will be successful or not. You have given faithful efforts to math and mobiles. Remember how special you are to your children. Please, as parents of your children, love each other and love your kids. Keep the Lord and the worship of Him at the center of your family and you'll be as strong as you need to be! Also remember, surveys of children and youth indicate that it's not the trips to Disney World that mean the most to your kids. Instead, it's picnics and card games, fishing and ball games, and whatever brings families together for laughs and life.

We have a marvelous community in which to enjoy the cycles of life. Let's have a super summer and stay close to God and close to one another.

Last one in the pool is a rotten egg!

[Kollmeyer is Pastor of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church on Hwy. 314 in Fayetteville. He invites anyone without a church home to worship all summer on Sundays at 8:15 (Outdoors on 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month), or at 9:30 in a Contemporary Service, or at 11:00 in a Traditional Pipe Organ Service. For more information please log-on at HtmlResAnchor or call 770-461-3403.]


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