Wednesday, May 22, 2002 |
Friday Johnson tourney nets $24,000
A little rain did not dampen the fundraising efforts at the annual Friday Johnson Golf Tournament. The event at the WhiteWater Country Club raised $24,000 for the two Fayette Youth Protection Homes for abused and neglected children. Prizes went to first, second and third lowest golf scores and the grand prizes went to the team raising the most funds for the charity. Air Tran Airways donated eight tickets to any city it flies for the grand prize winner, and Kroger Towne Center provided refreshments for the tournament. First place for golf went to the team led by Mark Davenport, followed by Brian Bischoff's team in second and Jack Roberts' team in third. Dave Baker made the longest drive and won dugout level seats to a Braves game. Jack Bowdon had the putt closest to the pin and took home a gift certificate from Andy's Nursery. "Our goal is first to help children and then to have a little fun playing golf," said cochair Larry Friday. "I believe we succeeded in that effort."