Sunday, April 21, 2002

Shaking hands with the Devil


Remember him, the one you thought only dressed up for parties during Halloween with the cute red costume?

If you don't think he is real, then who do you think was the guiding influence whispering into the ears of supposedly the best minds our country has to offer at the highest court of the land this past week?

I am speaking of the landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision to allow perverted porn producers to place the pictures of children on adult bodies and call it free speech!

In the early 70s while in seminary in preparation for the ministry, I remember many students and faculty who would be very quick to tell you to be very careful to not make "value judgments" on anything. If you ever made a statement that quoted anything that, in your opinion was decent or traditional, they would be very quick to say with scorn, "That's a value judgement!"

If you analyze that nowhere statement, you realize that all day long, every day, that is all we do 24/7. Think about it the decision whether or not to get up in the morning, brush you teeth, wear clothes, kiss your wife good-bye, drive a car, go to work, obey the traffic laws, don't hit or kill the boss, behave in marriage, love your children, love God, are all "value judgments."

My wife is an educational consultant with her business (Head, Heart, and Hand). I mention this because I see much of the research she does in this field. One of the statements that really impressed me was made by Alan Tom in his book "Teaching As A Moral Craft." He stated that teachers make an average of 150 moral decisions a day in the classroom. Each decision is certainly a "value judgment." Maybe those students and faculty in seminary were a little out in left field? Very left and very far.

My loving Christian parents taught me many lessons in life and I have tried to live by most of them. I remember three things I was taught from them that I learned were certainly true.

1. You never shake hands with the devil and get a good deal.

2. You never do right by doing wrong.

3. You never do wrong by doing right.

In our daily lives we make "moral value judgments" constantly at home, work, and in our recreation and I realize that in today's society it is getting more difficult to always do the right thing. There is, however, a greater overriding truth by which people who love God live by. These people, in my opinion, are the ones keeping the fabric of today's society from becoming unraveled into one big cesspool. These are the ones who don't sell out to political correctness, and the Jerry Springer abyss.

You were sold out by the Supreme Court of the land last week. They gave the green light to the porn kings who are after your children, your marriage, and the very soul of America. What will make you want to literally throw up was that these "life appointees" in the Supreme Court ruled that to allow the sickees of America to practice sex on put together doctored up photos of children and adults and call it "free speech" is beyond any reason.

What is, to me, the saddest part is that these are the best law minds we have? Then we must change the laws as quickly as possible. My suggestion would be to greatly modify the lifetime appointee system and have these men and women on for four years at best. Then go back to the courts and redefine what "freedom of speech" really means.

If "freedom of speech" means to allow this perversion in our country then it is time for better moral minds to rise up and have the courage to say, "Then it is time to give up certain aspects of our freedom of speech and expression."

Right away you will hear the cries of "censorship." How terrible! What has happened in America is that Americans have been taught to worship our freedoms to the point of total absurdy and moral decay. Because always in the wings are those who will take a Godly idea like freedom of speech and spend their waking hours perverting it.

Every thing we do regardless of law, should pass the logic test, the moral good test and ultimately God's test. If this sounds "foreign" to us then maybe we have forgotten that "you never shake hands with the devil and get a good deal."

The Rev. Dr. Knox Herndon is pastor of His House Community Church (SBC). The Rev. Greg Mausz is senior associate pastor. The Rev. Dr. Lydia Herndon is the Sunday School superintendent, Bible study coordinator and teacher. The church is just below Fayetteville, on Ga. Highway 85, a mile south of Ga. Highway 16, just below the fire station. Visitors welcome. Church office and prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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