Sunday, April 14, 2002

Reflecting on my own recent words

Contributing Writer

Sometimes I go back and read the last column I wrote before starting another one. But not often. Because I get intimidated.

I don't think I have ever openly admitted that before. But it's the truth. If the previous column is really "yucky" as my grandson might say, then I am embarrassed. If it is an especially "good one" as my sister might say, than I fear I can't match it. So the best thing to do is move on.

Like life, huh?

Well, I was brave this week and I glanced back to see what I wrote last week. Several lines grabbed me ­ really drew my attention as though there is a message there to me and not from me.

It's like I feel separated from it when I read it after it gets cold and I think, that's pretty good and it starts me to thinking all over again.

That's what happened this week. The following lines did it:

"Brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, parents and children ­ all see things differently. And that is a good thing. As the different perspectives are shared, some element of truth will begin to surface. It is when the coming together of minds and hearts produce truth that answers begin to surface in trying times. That is true in a family of two or in an international community."

Oh, yeah, that grabbed me. Seems like it's so easy for words to slide off our tongues and pens sometimes. Not so easy to invite them back into our hearts and minds.

Specifically, I am reabsorbing, "...As the different perspectives are shared, some element of truth will begin to surface. It is when the coming together of minds and hearts produce truth that answers begin to surface in trying times..."

And I am wondering whose truth matters most just now? That of the citizens of Israel, or Palestine, or Iraq, or Jordan, or England, or United States? Whose truth will win out at the end of this round?

Growing up in a Christian family and eventually embracing Christianity as my own faith (yep, there's huge difference!) has certainly set the stage for me to be very interested in the events of the Middle East.

But no matter how you grew up, or what nationality you are, or what religion you claim as your own, the events of the Middle East impact your life today.

Experts of the day say it's all about oil and boundary lines. I think it's all about sibling rivalry.

Bottom line? We are all God's kids. Extending out in every direction from that bottom line are folks, groups of folks, nationalities, cultures... who think, feel, believe with all their hearts that they have it right.

Their faith is the one that's on the money, more right than all the rest. Their faith is the one that has stood the test of time. Their faith will win out. Their God will rescue them.

Been there, huh? Me, too.

Do you suppose God is big enough to love us all, with our ever so limited, even grossly distorted visions of Who, What and Where He is? I say grossly distorted, because if there is not some element of truth to be found in all the great religions, then some of them are based on grossly distorted foundations.

On the other hand, if there is some element of truth to be found within the foundation of all faiths, then you would think we could find some kind of common ground on which we could all come together.

But we don't really want common ground. We would rather stand our ground. We don't really want peace. We would rather be proven "right."

I have a feeling this is going to be one of those columns that will make me feel silly if I ever look back and read it again.

Who am I to think I have some kind of handle on how to solve the problems of the Middle East? I know better. I grew up in a family of seven kids. To this day, we don't agree easily, if at all. It is the debate we enjoy.

My husband grew up in a family of seven as well. Same thing there. They thrive on their discussions of their differences.

Perhaps, just perhaps, within the differences we will one day find common ground. Assuredly, it is in the differences where we will find truth.

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