The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 20, 2002

School calendar vote delayed


At the suggestion of Fayette County School Superintendent John DeCotis, the Board of Education voted unanimously Monday night to put off the vote on the 2003-2004 school calendar.

DeCotis pointed out that while two suggested calendars have been on the school system's Web site for some time, a third option was only added two weeks ago. He felt that was not enough time for the public to view the site.

A final vote will be taken at the board's April 15 meeting.

Two citizens spoke regarding other business. Tim Boyd asked that a change in the After School Program not take place. Currently, parents can pay for three to five days a week, and it was anticipated the program would go to a five-day week.

Connie Leary spoke to the board requesting that a way of handling variables be in place in case new schools were not ready at the scheduled time.

Personnel changes approved Monday by the board included four retirements, 16 resignations, two maternity leaves of absence, one professional study leave of absence, and 68 reclassification of teachers, due to the new schools.

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