Sunday, March 17, 2002

"The Cracked Pot"


I received this from a good friend Jeff Green serving in Korea. I will share it with you here. Thanks Jeff.

Feeling frustrated by your imperfections? Don't worry about it. God has you broken in all the right places.

Each day a servant carried water from a stream to his master's house on a hill. Across his shoulders was a pole with two large pots balanced on each end. One pot was cracked and the other was perfect. At the end of each walk, the perfect pot was full of water but the cracked pot was only half full. The perfect pot would often brag about the fact that it never spilled a drop, leaving the cracked pot feeling ashamed. When the cracked pot finally decided to apologize to the servant for spilling water, the water bearer said, "As we walk today, watch your side of the path."

As they went up the hill, the cracked pot noticed a string of wild flowers growing along the path. Afterward, the water bearer told the cracked pot, "I've taken advantage of your imperfection by planting flower seeds on your side, and every day as we walked, you've watered them. For two years I've decorated my master's table with these flowers."

Faced with our own flaws, we're often prone to feel guilt, self-pity, even anger. Enter God, who sees our imperfections, not as limitations, but as opportunities to shine His love and power through us.

When Apostle Paul asked God to remove a nagging physical problem, God responded with a beautiful contradiction: "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Don't feel ashamed or embarrassed by your imperfections. Learn to accept them as marks of your unique beauty. Then watch God use them to showcase His grace in your life, like wildflowers along His pathway.

Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC). Rev. Greg Mausz is Sr. Assoc. Pastor. Dr. Lydia Herndon is the Sunday School Superintendent, Bible study coordinator and teacher. The church has moved to the new location just below Fayetteville, on GA. Highway 85. As you leave Fayetteville going South on Highway 85, you cross Highway 16, at the Senoia intersection. It is a mile on the right just below the fire station. If you are not in a church, come visit us. Church office and Prayer line (770)-719-2365 or e-mail

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