Friday, March 8, 2002

Student group is voice of youth for county government

Jobs, increased school security and street and sidewalk repairs where children live are among the solutions proposed by the Fulton County Youth Commission to help young people.

Youth commissioners Matthew L. Patterson of George Washington Carver High School, Amber R. Springer of Arlington Christian Academy, Angela Andrews of Frederick Douglass High School, and Sierra L. Scott of North Springs High School attended the Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting Feb. 20 to present an overview of key issues as part of the 2002 Youth Agenda.

The countywide, 12-member Youth Commission polled peers and conducted focus groups to arrive at the following issues and solutions for the board to consider:

Education and employment. The group recommended creating and funding more job opportunities for youths under 16 and mandating driver education courses for all high school students in Fulton County.

Health. Fulton's youth want the county to provide more in-depth educational services to youth on the dangers of drugs, alcohol and cigarettes and mandate free health insurance coverage for all children of families who cannot afford it, and who are working or actively seeking employment.

Violence and safety. The Youth Commission recommends expanding school security guard hours to include after-school hours from 3:30-7 p.m. and providing more undercover police in high crime areas to reduce criminal behavior.

Homelessness and housing. Commission members believe the county should establish and build more shelters for the homeless and fund nonprofit organizations within each community to serve the homeless population. The county should also repair streets and sidewalks with special attention given to areas where a large population of children exists, the commission recommended.

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