The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 6, 2002

Kedron science expo a big hit with students

Parents at Kedron Elementary School showed students that science is fun during the science expo sponsored by the school's PTO academic program committee.

All 832 students at the school had an opportunity to explore the areas of earth science, chemistry, physics, astronomy and biology as they participated in hands-on activities spanning 25 different centers. From suspending a ball in air and experimenting with what it feels like to hold objects while in a space suit, to identifying organs and listening to a heart beat, students were eager to learn more about the different areas of science.

"The kids are excited before they get here," said Lynne Nonni, a parent who is the chairman of this year's academic program committee. "I have a son in first grade and he remembers the first expo he participated in and he is extremely enthusiastic about the science one this year."

Every year, parents at the school host an academic expo in order to give students a better understanding of various subjects as well as generate an interest in them. The three subjects the committee focuses on are math, social studies and of course science. Each year the committee rotates the subjects so social studies will be explored next since math was the focus of the 2001expo.

"We are trying to educate the kids in a systematic way and at the same time make it fun. We want to take the fear away that students have of these subjects and show them that they are fun," said Nonni. "We think the schools are doing a great job at educating our children and we want to help with their education by making them comfortable with learning about different subjects."

The entire event is organized, facilitated and ran by parent volunteers. Each expo requires a lot of thought and planning to make it as visually interesting as possible while including many hands-on activities that will encourage students to want to learn more about the subject.

At this year's science expo, a giant mouth and tongue beckoned students to enter the biology exhibit and a huge spaceship lured them to explore the universe in the astronomy center. Sir Isaac Newton and Jimmy Neutron were also on hand to get students excited about science. Parents from fields including engineering, pharmacy and medicine volunteered their time to conduct experiments and demonstrations in each science area.

"Our parents do an outstanding job with the academic fair each year. It is truly a great event for our students and I commend our parents for their time and dedication to our school," said Kedron Principal Jeanie Miller.

The Science Expo was Feb. 25-28 with morning and afternoon sessions taking place each day.

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