The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, March 6, 2002

County taking 'wait and see' attitude toward cops grant


The Fayette County Commission decided to play it cautiously last week before taking any money from Uncle Sam.

Sheriff's Maj. Wayne Hannah told the board last Thursday the county could receive $164,000 in federal funds for a program to curb aggressive driving and drunk driving.

The grant would purchase three patrol cars and pay part of the salaries for three officers to try and curtail bad driving in the county.

Hannah said the county would have to provide $31,000 for the three-year duration of the grant. After the grant funds are used, the county would be responsible for funding the officers' salaries.

He added that he was looking to add three officers in his upcoming budget, and thought the program would be a good way to get more policeman without the county picking up all the expenses.

Commission Chairman Greg Dunn said he is in favor of getting the officers at a reduced cost to the county, but needed more clarification before he could accept the funds.

Specifically, Dunn had questions on whether the officers could only patrol against aggressive driving and drunk drivers. He also had questions about the myriad of reports that are required by counties who accept the funds.

"There's audit requirements and a lot of administrative reporting," he said.

Dunn asked county attorney Bill McNally to look over the grant and offer an opinion back to the board about the legal requirements the county faces in accepting the funds.

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