The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, February 27, 2002

New high school to be named Whitewater


Fayette's fifth high school will be named Whitewater High.

And the complex that includes that school and Sara Harp Minter Elementary School, under construction on Ga. Highway 85 south of Fayetteville, will be known as The Goza Road Educational Complex. Construction of the high school is expected to go out for bid in May, officials said.

Fayette's Board of Education approved those two names, and named a planned new elementary school at Ga. Highway 74 and Crabapple Lane the Crabapple Lane Elementary School.

Names also were approved for the evening high school and the county's alternative school: The Fayette County Evening High School and The Fayette County Alternative Educational Program.

The board agreed with staff's recommendation to put off naming a school to be built on the Katz property in Peachtree City, along with the system's planned new charter school, until a year prior to their opening.

Meanwhile, a committee charged with naming the schools has put together quite a list of proposed names, said Superintendent John DeCotis. "We can use some of those extra names for media centers, school wings and buildings on some of the campuses," he said.

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