Friday, Februry 22, 2002

Commission takes paper to task over salaries


A recent article in the Newnan Times-Herald caused the Coweta County Board of Commissioners a great deal of heartburn Tuesday.

The article outlined how Coweta's salaries for their employees was starting to fall more in line with neighboring counties.

But, the article also listed salaries for county employees making more than $60,000 which infuriated the board.

Chairman Jim McGuffey started the attack by saying he realized that government salaries were a public record, but felt the county's employees still had the right to some privacy.

McGuffey also pointed out the article did not list how many years of service the employees had with the county.

"A lot of those people are longtime employees and deserve those salaries," he said.

McGuffey said the county had nothing to hide, but hoped the same investigative light would be shown on other municipalities in the county.

Commissioner Vernon "Mutt" Hunter said he also believed that employees had a right to their privacy and questioned why the article was written.

"What good did it do?" he said.

Commissioner Lawrence Nelms also said he looked forward to the day when the salaries of city of Newnan officials, along with Newnan Utilities employees, were run in the paper.

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