Wednesday, February 20, 2002

F.C. Foodie: Food, Southern style

Food Critic

As Mexican restaurants keep sprouting up in the area, I hear a lot of complaints from folks who are looking for a true taste of the old South.

You know those type meals, fried chicken, biscuits, casseroles and enough sweet tea to wash down those tasty morsels.

Well, fret no more; Foodie has found an excellent place that is worth the drive for a big ol' helping of the South.

The Hampton House at 29 East Main St., Hampton, has been open only three months, but is drawing praise from residents throughout the region.

Charlie Weaver and his wife, Glenna, are serving some of the best cooking you've ever tasted in a restored 1903 farmhouse.

The restaurant is a short 20-minute jaunt from Fayette County, but it's worth the drive.

Foodie has never been a real big fan of traditional Southern cooking, but with food like this, I think my mind is changing.

Fried chicken, catfish, squash casserole, cole slaw and biscuits are just a few of the homemade items on the serving line.

During the week, adults pay $8.50 for all they can eat for lunch, while seniors pay $7.50 and children from 3-10 pay $6.50.

Dinner during the week adds another dollar to the price, and the weekend's a tad more expensive, but it's worth it.

If you've read this column before, you know my love of independent restaurants and fresh ingredients. The Hampton House fits both those criteria. The cole slaw doesn't come out of a bag; it's made on the premises.

Instead of blase barbecue, the kitchen staff cooks their own meat and adds a homemade sauce.

The biscuits are heavenly, and the peach cobbler is a diet-buster for sure.

The restaurant has six rooms to feed folks and also offers facilities for small groups to entertain. As Atlanta grows more into an international city, the dining options multiply everyday. The Hampton House offers a wonderful Southern option in an increasingly multicultural atmosphere. If you want a true taste of the South, head to Hampton.


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