Friday, February 15, 2002 |
Cox: Still some concerns over handling of spill
After sponsoring a hearing Friday to air concerns over a Jan. 3 deicing spill at Hartsfield International Airport, state Rep. Kathy Cox still has concerns. "I felt they [airport and state Environmental Protection Division officials] were truthful and answered questions to the best of their ability," she said. "But there is still some accountability to be taken care of." For instance, she said, "I want an explanation of why the airport is not being fined." Admission by
airport officials that a clogged drain line backed up spent deicing fluid
in a holding tank, adding to the spill, shows that "there was some
negligence there," she said. "Any private business would have
been fined." "I certainly think what happened ... adds some evidence and some good arguments as to why we need some regional control," she said. She added she is looking into the possibility of banning ethylene glycol as a component of deicing fluid in the state. Some states allow only the much less toxic propylene glycol, she said. Meanwhile, Dennis Chase, president of the local environmental group the Line Creek Association, urged officials during last week's hearing to consider an increase in the normal biological sampling of the Flint River. If fish and wildlife in the river show any long-term ill effects from the spill, he said, that would be a signal that humans might be threatened with long-term consequences as well. "Any extra costs to EPD for doing these special studies as well as report compilation and reproduction should be borne by Hartsfield Airport," he said.