Friday, February 8, 2002 |
Residents' comments sought
County Commissioner William "Bill" Edwards wants to listen more to his South Fulton constituents This week, Edwards hosted the first of four quarterly listening sessions to hear public comments about county services in southwest and South Fulton. "We sit at the commission meetings and hear a lot of good public comment. I just wanted to expand it," he said. Edwards said the quarterly meetings give residents a chance to talk to deaprtment heads and get a feel for how their local government operates. During last night's meeting, county departments offered information and displays, and staff was available to answer questions. Also, the four Fulton County youth commissioners representing District 7 attended the meeting to learn about issues of concern to youths. Parents and youths can participate in the future sessions held at 7 p.m. at the South Fulton Service Center, 5600 Stonewall Tell Road in College Park. The next meeting is May 23 with other meetings set for Aug. 29 and Nov. 21. Edwards said a court reporter transcribes all the residents' comments and the commissioner believes the meetings are another step in getting his message across of open and helpful government. "We just don't listen enough to the people's concerns. This gives them a better opportunity to understand how the government works," he said.