Sunday, January 27, 2002

When God speaks

I was watching the news Thursday morning as I drank my wake-up cup of Café Vienna, as I do every morning.

I was appalled at the Today Show, hosted by Matt and Katie, as Dee and I heard the news of a religious sect that had recorded deaths due to parents not feeding their infants. When the parents were asked about these deaths, the answers were that this was between "God and the parents."

As they checked into this "religious group" there were several similar incidents where they "heard from God" to only provide limited nourishment to their infants. I want to say here that they may have been listening to a spirit but it was not God's spirit.

I personally know of an individual who "received the call" from God and was pursuing the call when he decided to quit work because God had not "told him to go to work." I always wondered if God told him to eat every day or to go to the bathroom. This man lost his home, his vehicle, and his job because he was "waiting on God" to tell him everything to do.

I want to be perfectly clear here. I certainly believe in God's call 100 percent, and do believe God speaks today, everyday, in many ways, and through many situations, but to quote Him to support our stupidity is a form of blasphemy. I know of a girl who married three or four times ( I lost count), always quoting "God's Will."

While I'm on the subject, I hear some very dangerous, in my opinion, theology running around in Christian circles today. I hear a lot of people talking about "speaking things into existence." I also hear a lot of "God told me this, or that." By the way, whether you or I, or a denomination, anyone who has incorrect or non-God or non-God's Word-centered Theology will eventually get bitten.

Decerning the "Will of God" is not an easy or "speak it into existence thing." In fact if man can do all these things, why do we need an Almighty God in Heaven? We then become the Almighty!! VERY DANGEROUS STUFF!!!

Do you remember what the original sin was? It wasn't Adam and Eve. That was the first human sin. There was one far more dangerous. It began long before Adam and Eve. It was a desire by Lucifer to usurp God's authority (the elevation of SELF).

Do you remember from Sunday School ( I still like to call it Sunday School no matter what they call it today) how Lucifer was wanting to elevate himself over God? Generic in every sin you or I ever commit, it has seeds of this first sin-"elevation of self."

Does this sound familiar? Speaking things into existence? I have hard people today day say, "I speak healing, I speak this and that."

Decerning the "Will of God" is often not at all simple. Sometimes it is very clear, other times not at all clear. When I am decerning the "Will of God," I run it through these FOUR "tests."

1. Is what I want to do CONTRARY to the Word of God? In other words, is what I want to do against what God's Word says? If it is against His Word, you don't even have to pray about it, or go any further, God has already spoken, and the answer is no!

2. SYNCHRONICITY! That is a term I learned from some Korean missionaries. It means God bringing people and places, and events together in His synchronization. To allow or make something happen.

3. Christian COUNSEL! This is the receiving of counsel from a dedicated, "tried and tested" Christian . I get someone who has fought Satan and won. Someone who has some "gray hair" in the faith.

4. Lastly, PEACE in my soul and spirit! At times I have had three out of the above all come into play, but no peace about what I want to do. If it passes all of the above "tests" but no peace in my soul and spirit, I then back away from the idea. Many marriages are lost on this last one.

Beloved, be careful about trying to blame God with our mistakes, and UN-godly worldly ideas and then wrapping them in the package of "God talk" and then driving on, only to crash and burn in the process. Run your ideas through the above "tests" and then make your decisions. Stay in the quest to find "His" Will for your life. Watch and pray, for time is short!

Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC). The Rev. Greg Mausz is senior associate pastor. The Rev. Dr. Lydia Herndon is the Sunday School superintendent, Bible study coordinator and teacher. The church is below Senoia on Ga. Highway 85 a mile south of Ga. Highway 16 on the right just below the fire station. Visitors welcome. Church office and prayer line 770-719-2365; e-mail

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