The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, December 19, 2001

Teachers come to Fayette for GeoFest 2001

Approximately 50 social studies teachers from throughout Georgia recently attended GeoFest 2001 at the LaFayette Educational Center.

GeoFest, a Saturday geography conference for teachers, is a collaborative project between the Fayette County School System and Georgia Geographic Alliance. During the conference, teachers learned interesting teaching strategies to help students in specific grade levels better understand various geography topics.

Some of the more interesting sessions included "geog-rock," a lesson targeted to students in grades six through 12, which uses Georgia music to demonstrate the interrelatedness of music and geography. "Creating story cloths, for grades kindergarten through five, showed teachers how they can use the wealth of geographic information found in children's literature to strengthen students' understanding about the world.

"Geography is a very important element in social studies. Teachers at the GeoFest learn content and teaching strategies that they can use in their classroom. The fact that so many teachers are willing to spend a Saturday learning about geography attests to its importance," said Cathy Geis, Fayette County social studies coordinator.

According to Geis, about 35 Fayette teachers attended the 2001 GeoFest. Geis along with Truman Hartshorn and Trish Klein, GGA coordinators, organized the day-long event. Presenters at the conference were all teacher consultants with the GGA.

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