Friday, December 21, 2001

Nativity offers 3 Christmas Eve services

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity is offering three services of Holy Eucharist Christmas Eve.

A children and family service will be at 3:30 p.m. and will include a nativity pageant. Faye Capers, minister of music for the children's service, will lead the music.

The second service will be a candlelight service at 5 p.m. (nursery will be provided).

The third service begins at 10 p.m. with a musical prelude directed by Phil McPherson, choir director and chorus teacher at Lovejoy Middle School. The Holy Eucharist will begin at 10:30.

The Episcopal Church of the Nativity, 130 Antioch Road, is part of the 92 parishes in the Diocese of Atlanta and a member of the world-wide Anglican Communion. For information phone 770-460-6390, visit the parish Web site at, or e-mail the vicar, Bob Hudak, at

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