The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, December 14, 2001
Learning the facts about Kwanzaa

I have been misinformed. For several years, I have judged an event based upon what I was told about the event rather than investigating the event for myself. I have been critical about the event and have snubbed my nose at the very mention of the event. I was misinformed, but I was also wrong to allow that misinformation to cloud my thinking and speaking.

Walker started down Taliban road long ago, with help from parents

There is no question, at this point, in most people's minds about the level of John Walker's involvement in the fighting in Afghanistan. In short, a 20-year-old American fought against Americans and at the side of those who perpetrated the murder of more than 3,000 Americans. Now a nation is wondering how he got there and what to do with him.

How my career path began with the great Marshmallow War of '71
By Rick Ryckeley
Fayette County Fire & Emergency Services

The great marshmallow war of '71 started innocently enough with six boys camping out in their back yard. Growing up I was torn between two time-honored professions, becoming a fireman or astronaut. But being a boy from the south with three brothers I seemed to have more interaction with firefighters than astronauts.

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