Friday, December 14, 2001

Katz site could remain open space

Plan for elementary school shelved; Board of Education looking at other locations


Faced with redistricting difficulties and complaints from parents, the Fayette County Board of Education abandoned a plan to fund an elementary school on land donated to the school system on the western side of Peachtree City.

But there are safeguards to insure the land won't be developed in case the school board is unable to use the land in the future.

Board officials plan to seek another site for its next elementary school, but they have made it clear that they plan to use the donated site off MacDuff Parkway in the future.

The lingering question will be how the funding will occur for construction on that site since there are no funds left from the board's bond issue for build another elementary school.

The 19-acre tract, located north of the Wynnmeade subdivision and west of MacDuff Parkway, was donated by John Wieland Homes as part of its plan to annex 80 acres into Peachtree City. The plan was approved earlier this year, with a cap of 350 homes on the entire development.

When the annexation was approved by council, it was stipulated that if the school is unable to build on the site in the future that the land would revert to open space and would not be developed. It was left up to city staff and Wieland officials to work out how that could happen legally.

That agreement was supposed to be returned to City Council for approval, but it has not come up for approval since it was last discussed at the Sept. 6 council meeting.

The western area of Peachtree City will grow rapidly in the coming years, with the addition of the Summit Apartments, the Cedarcroft subdivision and the plans for Centennial, the John Wieland Homes subdivision and plans for a subdivision north of Wynnmeade.


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