Friday, December 14, 2001

School board follows suit and cuts tax rate

The property tax rate is now set for most of the government agencies in Coweta County.

Last week, the Coweta County Board of Education set this year's rate for maintenance and operations at 15.61 mills, down from 17.87 last year, and millage rates for bond debt at 1.6 mills, down from 2.25 in FY 2001.

The board lowered an earlier proposal for maintenance and operations from 16.50 to 15.61 mills, taking up a citizen's suggestion that $2.2 million budgeted for classroom expansions at White Oak and Poplar Road elementary schools be drawn temporarily from school system reserves rather than from this year's property taxes.

Following the citizen's suggestion, board members said they would do so and shift the $2.2 million instead to a renewal of the one-cent special local option sales tax.

The board's call for millage rates follows two weeks after the Coweta County tax assessor's office delivered a final 2001 tax digest to the school system and other local governments.

Comptroller Keith Chapman said that the board's approval of millage rates Dec. 4 will allow tax bills to go out before the end of December, and thus will allow property owners to take applicable 2001 deductions on their income tax bills.


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