The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Fayette Shriners donate bike to 4 year old


The Fayette Shriners used their Christmas party to do a good deed for a 4-year-old with spina bifida.

They purchased a special tricycle that peddles by turning handle bars. Kayla Woolridge was the recipient. Unable to walk unless special braces are strapped on her legs, and then holding onto a walker, she was delighted to be able to sit down and propel forward.

It took her a short while to get the hang of turning the handle bar peddles, but once that was accomplished, she didn't want to get off.

Her dad, Petty Officer 1st Class Randy Woolridge and her mom, Gena Woolridge, along with two sisters, were on hand to help her get the hang of it all. They are stationed in Maryland and the trike was broken down and shipped to them.

The Fayette Shrine Club will soon be celebrating its 20th year in the county. It can be reached by calling Jerry Mask, 770-461-2772 or Walt Swafford, 770-460-2019.

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