The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

Tyrone Publix plan may be delayed once again


Tyrone's wait for a Publix supermarket may continue.

Town Manager Barry Amos said this week that he has heard property owner Phil Seay is going to use a different developer to build the shopping center.

But the new developer must use the exact specifications that the City Council passed for the store last spring, or it will have to go through the town's approval stage again.

The proposed Publix is at the front of the John Wieland Homes Southhampton subdivision on Ga. Highway 74, which is embroiled in a sewer dispute between the town, Fairburn and Fayette County.

In other news, Amos confirmed the town will discuss at its January retreat whether its comprehensive land use plan and map need to be changed.

The town's Planning Commission wants concurrence from the Town Council before it digs into possibly changing the map and plan.

The issue came up before the Planning Commission after a number of recent zonings also called for land map use amendments, Amos said.

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