Friday, November 23, 2001

PTC mayor, council candidates ready for runoff vote Tuesday


As the campaigning for Tuesday's runoff election in Peachtree City entered the home stretch this week, it appears it's all over but the shouting.

Mayoral candidates Steve Brown and Gary Rower, along with Post 4 candidates Carol Fritz and Murray Weed, have had a few extra weeks to get the word out and convince the electorate they should represent the entire city.

The Citizen contacted all four candidates Monday, asking why they feel they should be elected.

Brown said he has plans to protect the educational system and subdivisions from negative development and cut-through traffic. He added that he has taken numerous classes on land planning, zoning, community building and governmental relations, and he also has "an extensive amount of time" to help city business since he only works three days a week.

"I have an excellent working relationship with Councilman (Dan) Tennant and Councilman (Steve) Rapson and I get along well with council Post 4 candidate Murray Weed," Brown said. "If Weed and myself are elected, this could very well be one of the most effective councils to run Peachtree City."

In a brief reply, Rower said he is comfortable with the information he has shared with voters during the campaign.

Fritz said she felt she has already done, or has been working on, many of the initiatives brought forth by Weed. She also said that having served on council for four years is important.

"I know and understand what the job is, and I know it is not a part-time job," Fritz said. "I have already made a difference and will continue to do so."

Weed was the most detailed of the candidates with his response. He pointed out that he has shared his 10-point platform with the public and he has experience as a municipal attorney and former city prosecutor.

As a municipal attorney, Weed said he was "already participated in all of the tasks and duties which are required of a city councilperson."

Weed also said he was committed to "establishing open and responsible dialogue within the city council and between Peachtree City and other local governments."

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