Friday, November 23, 2001

Brooks girl gets 200 birthday presents and gives them away


Not everyone receives 200 birthday presents and then gives them all away.

When Katie Farrell sent out invitations to her tenth birthday party she added that she didn't want any presents just cans of food for the Fayette Samaritans.

The 17 invitees brought almost 200 cans of food to enrich the food bank at the ten-year-old organization.

The Fayette Samaritans is a nonprofit organization supported by the community at large and nearly 30 churches in the county.

Because churches do not have the time or expertise in interviewing clients who need food, clothing or a utility bill paid, the Samaritans do this for them. The interviewers are all volunteers.

It issues a listing each month for the items needed for that month as the items change in need from time to time. A listing of current needs is found in a box accompanying this article. At this time of year warm clothing is also needed.

Katie, a fourth-grade student at Brooks Elementary School, had flown to New York in the spring to join in a birthday party for a friend there who encouraged canned food for presents. She knew about the Samaritans through her church, Brooks United Methodist, and decided it was more important to give than to receive.

Katie is the daughter of Randy and Vicki Farrell and has two brothers.

The Fayette Samaritans are located at 213 N. Jeff Davis Place, Suite 102, Fayetteville and can be reached at 770-719-2707.

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