Friday, November 23, 2001

ECHS Marching Indians Selling Fruit!

The ECHS Marching Indians are currently having a fruit sale to raise money for their trip to the Citrus Bowl Parade in Orlando, Florida.

The band is selling oranges, grapefruit, and tangelos from the Florida Indian River Groves. You can purchase fruit from any band student. The sale will be going on until December 1.

This is just one of the many fundraisers the students have been participating in to earn money.

The Marching Indians would like to thank all of the community that helps to support their fundraising efforts.

The band recently held a yard sale and pancake breakfast, which was a great success.

Each student will be responsible for around $635 plus spending money and money for a few extra meals not included in the travel package.

The students have been given many opportunities to help raise this money and have been doing a great job.

The ECHS Marching Indians will be performing in the Citrus Bowl Parade as well as leading the Magic Lights Parade through Disney World on New Year's Eve. The students will have the opportunity to visit many of the parks while in the Orlando area as well.

If you do not know any band students from ECHS and would like to purchase fruit to help support the band you may contact the ECHS band room.


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