Sunday, November 18, 2001

In the world, not of the world


Our President Bush has, in my opinion, done a truly outstanding job during his days at the helm since the tragedies of 9-11. He with his leadership qualities has risen to the occasion and I am personally proud again, in the best since of the word, to be an American.

I believe our president was attempting to calm our fears about our future when he said to us to "continue in the things we do as Americans and as best we can and go about our daily lives." As a Christian, God's Word says for us to "be in the world but not of the world." What in the world does that mean? How can we be in something but not of something?

I could go into an in-depth exegesis that would take volumes but then you wouldn't read it, and I would fall asleep writing it. So what is the Bible trying to tell us?

Charles Colson, in an article from Christianity Today (Oct. 4, 1999) entitled, "What Are We Doing Here?" writes, "We need to prepare for Christ's return in five ways: prayer, bible study, worship, fellowship, and evangelism. We must understand that we are engaged in a great conflict of world-views, and we cannot contend with anything less than a comprehensive biblical world-view.

"A recent Wall Street Journal/ NBC poll uncovered a startling turnaround in attitudes: 84 percent of self-described conservatives and 33 percent of liberals say that what's "important for society today is to promote respect for traditional values." People are realizing that the prevailing world-views fail to provide a basis for a safe and stable public order.

"Surely this is no time to withdraw. Instead, we must seize the opportunity to demonstrate that Christianity gives the only rational, coherent framework for public and private life and, indeed, for all reality because it begins with the God who is the sovereign Creator of all."

Which brings me to my next point. If we are to do any or all of the above, we must operate from the smallest churches to the largest. In our little church a wonderful man has offered us matching funds up to $25,000 for our building fund if we can match the funds by Jan. 1. We have raised $11,000 and need $14,000 more.

I do not like fund-raising and don't feel God has called me to do that; however, it is part of the job of starting a church and so do it I must. If you would like to be a part of this in fulfilling the Great Commission, please do so. If you know of someone who needs a tax write-off and would like to help please, let us know.

Remember, time is short, our life is but a vapor. Another translation calls our lives a "mist." Be in it but not of it.

Dr. Knox Herndon is the pastor of His House Community Church (SBC), located on Ga. Highway 85 south of Senoia. Go one mile past Ga. Highway 16 and the church is on the right, just past the fire station. Visitors are welcome. Church office and Prayer line number is 770-719-2365. E-mail address is

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