Wednesday, November 7, 2001

New hearing aid available locally

Clinical Audiologist

Oticon, Inc. today introduced ADAPTO, a new hearing aid that prioritizes the human voice over other sounds in the environment, providing optimal adaptation to listening environments for people with hearing loss. Using a proprietary feature called VoiceFinder, Adapto detects the synchronous harmonic signals of speech in noise environments and immediately processes these sounds for maximum understanding. When no speech is detected, ADAPTO automatically switches to a comfort mode, tuning out noise and irrelevant sounds to protect those with hearing loss from the listening fatigue that often results from constant "unfiltered" noise.

ADAPTO's Open Ear Acoustics delivers natural sound quality through substantially increased real-ear venting, a state-of-the-art Dynamic Feedback Cancellation system, and intelligent low-frequency gain compensation. Unveiled at the 2001 Academy of Dispensing Audiologists Conference, the new hearing instrument uses a proprietary interactive fitting software, called Genie, to combine data in the audiogram with personalized information for a highly individualized fitting that reflects the user's processing ability and preferences.

"At Oticon, our goal is to give hearing care professionals the products they need to insure an optimum outcome for their clients," says Mikael Worning, President of Oticon, Inc. "With ADAPTO we have dramatically reduced the three main reasons for poor user satisfaction. ADAPTO delivers optimal speech understanding without overwhelming the user with other sounds, decreasing the likelihood of feedback or distortion of the user's own voice. Equally important, the Genie software program enables professionals to fit ADAPTO to meet the user's signal processing capabilities and hearing preferences." Andrew Waits, clinical audiologist of Waits Hearing Aid Center, is the professional in your local area.


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