Friday, November 2, 2001

Parents and students unite as a band at Whitewater Middle School


Members of the Whitewater Middle School Band are having an interesting experience these days. While preparing for an upcoming concert, many students are getting ready to perform with their parents.

Band director Bill Melton had heard of another band uniting students and their parents for a performance and decided to give it a try. The band is now 130 members strong and after several rehearsals will perform three patriotic tunes at the concert Tuesday.

"A lot of the parents still had their instruments," said Melton. "Many of them said they hadn't played in a long time, but they were really enthused to play again."

The combined band will perform after performances from the eighth-grade concert band and the Symphonic Band. The parents and students will perform "American Tribute," which is a medley of patriotic tunes, "You're A Grand Old Flag," and "Battle Hymn of the Republic."

Melton says that almost all of the instruments are represented and though some of the right notes were not played in the first rehearsal, the group played with a lot of heart. Melton sent home the music and a CD with the children so that parents could play along with the music at home and practice.

"It is a very unifying experience," said Melton. "Often parents, students and teachers are all going in their own direction. Music has been a great unifier bringing everybody together."

The concert looks to be a success, thanks to the support and sponsorship of many local businesses and the assistance in organizing the event from many of the parents. Melton plans on doing this every year as the response so far has been excellent.

The concert will begin at 7 p.m Tuesday and will be followed by a dessert reception. The event is free. Phone 770-460-3450 for more information.





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