Friday, November 2, 2001

PTC mayor candidates Lakly, Rower dig into their own pockets for campaign funds


Two of Peachtree City's mayoral candidates have invested heavily in themselves to fund their campaigns, according to information filed on their campaign disclosure forms filed with the city.

Dan Lakly and Gary Rower reported several thousand dollars in contributions to their campaigns from themselves. In Lakly's case, he took out a $5,750 loan to bolster his campaign; Rower reported providing himself with $2,723.4, although the report did not indicate whether that was in the form of a loan.

Those personal contributions also helped Lakly and Rower become the candidates with the biggest campaign war chests. At the end of the Oct. 25 reporting period, Lakly had tallied $7,570 in contributions while Rower had amassed $5,098.46 in contributions.

Both men threw their hats in the ring late in the game compared to Steve Brown, who has collected $4,119.67 since announcing his candidacy in March. Mayoral candidate Frank Murphy, also a late entrant in the race, has raised just $685 in cash.

In contrast, Post 4 Council Candidate Gerald Ostrowski's papers indicate he has not received any contributions at all.

Candidates are required to identify contributors who donate $101 or more in cash or in-kind services to their campaign. Following is a list of the contributors for each candidate for the latest reporting period:

Steve Brown: $200 from Delta flight attendant Alycia Craft.

Alison Chambers: none reported.

Nancy Faulkner: 4158.95 from herself.

Carol Fritz: $2,000 from herself; $250 from Richard and Heather Click; and $250 from Mr. and Mrs. William Cooper.

Frank Murphy: $496.78 in in-kind contributions from Tiffany Murphy.

Dan Lakly: $300 from Buddy's Trailer Sales in Jonesboro; $350 from Friends of Mitchell Kaye and $250 from Citizens for Lynn Westmoreland.

Gerald Ostrowski: none reported.

Steve Rapson: $200 from Jim and Cindy Fallo.

Gary Rower: $250 from Patrick Broderick; $200 from Doug Hoggard; $200 from Steve Hopkins; $300 from Kenneth McKay Jr. of Marietta.

Murray Weed: $250 from George C. Creal.




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