The Fayette Citizen-Opinion Page

Friday, October 19, 2001
As expected, ACLU takes offense with religious reaction to terrorism

It didn't even take a month after the horrific attacks on America for the American Civil Liberties Union to get its boxers in a bunch regarding the rampant religiosity of grieving citizens. All over America, soon after the destruction of the World Trade Center towers and the attack on the Pentagon, signs and bumper stickers began to appear that uttered a desperate, one-sentence prayer "God Bless America."

There are dozens of great songs, but what makes a national anthem?

Baseball fans have no doubt noticed a new practice at many ballparks of not only playing the national anthem before each game, but also "God Bless America" during the seventh-inning stretch. That reminds me of the ongoing debate, begun long before the most recent patriotic surge, over whether "The Star-Spangled Banner" should be replaced by "God Bless America" as the official national anthem.

A badge of courage for modern knights
By Rick Ryckeley
Fayette County Fire & Emergency Services

Over three hundred modern day knights lost their lives when the World Trade Center came down. These are truly times of great adversity. For as long as I can remember, in times of adversity my father said to me, "Son, you need to be brave in the face of adversity and wear a badge of courage."

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