The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Collins supports military strikes

WASHINGTON - U.S. Representative Mac Collins released the following statement on military operations underway in Afghanistan:

"I wish to extend my support to the President, the Cabinet, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff for their recent decision to use military force in Afghanistan.

"The President, with the support of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Secretary of State Collin Powell, has built a sound coalition of friendly nations, who join us in our attack on a government that has placed itself on the wrong side of the world in regard to terrorism.

"Afghanistan was warned that we make no distinction between those who commit terrorist acts and those who harbor them. They were given every possible opportunity to view the evidence and turn over Osama bin Laden, and they failed to do so. The Taliban was provided with adequate time to accede to international demands for justice yet they rebuffed every attempt to come to a peaceful resolution.

"As a nation, we reeled from the attacks on our financial and military centers and the tremendous loss of life caused by those attacks. Today, we show our national resolve to end terrorism and to use force to disrupt terrorist operations and their ability to commit further crimes against humanity.

"My prayers go out to our service personnel and to the President and his advisors and I pledge my support to see these operations through until they have reached a successful conclusion."

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