The Fayette Citizen-News Page

Wednesday, October 17, 2001

Neighborhood group has first picnic

A steady stream of neighbors dropped by the North Fayette Neighborhood Association's first picnic Saturday to enjoy food and have a little fun while learning about their community.

Originally formed in response to a proposed power plant just over the county line in south Fulton, the association is composed of representatives of 30 north Fayette neighborhoods and has expanded its scope to cover a variety of issues.

County Commission Chairman Greg Dunn, Superintendent of Schools John DeCotis and Fayette County Fire Chief Jack Krakeel were guest speakers for the afternoon event. Each shared information regarding his area of expertise, answered questions and visited with attendees. Members of the Fayette County Fire and Emergency Services Department and a representative from the Fayette County Sheriff's Department also were on hand to share information and answer questions from those who braved the nippy weather to attend.

The proposed power plant was an ongoing topic of conversation throughout the day. The NFNA invited representatives from Safeguard South Metro, a fellow neighborhood group currently spearheading the fight against the power plant, to have a table to disseminate information and to speak at the event. Commission Chairman Dunn was asked to speak at various times during the afternoon event to update the crowd regarding the status of the power plant.

Local physician Dr. Claire Willie hosted a mini-health fair, taking blood pressure, testing for diabetes and answering health questions. Ed Johnson, president of the Fayette County NAACP, and financial advisor Reggie Barnes manned information tables while a group of volunteers provided information on voter registration.

Face painting, fresh popped popcorn, snacks and drinks were just a few of the fun events planned by organizers. Prizes including gift certificates from local restaurants and vendors were given out throughout the day.

The NFNA is comprised of approximately 30 neighborhoods in a loosely defined area between New Hope Road, Westbridge Road, Ga. Highway 85 and Ga. Highway 138. The 80 to 85 representatives from member subdivisions meet regularly to address issues of interest to the community. According to association President Virgil Fludd, the association addresses a broad scope of issues including education, roads, zoning and, most recently, the power plant.

"The association is an issue based organization," he said. "However, we do not just address problems that might be detrimental to property values or our quality of life."

Fludd briefly touched on a number of areas the group has on the agenda including working with the county commissioners to locate a community park in the area. Another focus of the group is encouraging neighbors to get to know each other better. The idea of the community picnic was one way the group chose to attempt to bring neighbors together.

Nadine Tift and Tonya Truesdale, along with many other volunteers, coordinated the multipurpose picnic and membership drive. Families and organizations were encouraged to join the NFNA, to gather information regarding the county and, said Fludd, "just have fun and get to know each other." Annual membership is $20 for families and $50 for companies and organizations.

For information regarding the association, phone Virgil Fludd at 770-719-8380.

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