Friday, October 12, 2001

Alzheimer's Walk eclipses last year's mark with funds to battle disease


Saturday's three-county Alzheimer's Walk in Peachtree City raised nearly $113,000 to battle the disease.

More than 800 people participated in the walk, including 98 volunteers who helped make the event a success, said Fayette County co-chair Iola Snow, who served in that role along with former mayor Fred Brown Jr.

"There were people there pushing their strollers and walking their dogs," Snow said. "It was a good opportunity for the community to come together."

Quite a few participants entered at the last minute, wanting to do their part, Snow added.

This is the second year for the event. Last year, $75,000 was raised when the focus was just on Fayette County, Snow said. This year's event includes Coweta and Clayton counties, she added.

In fact, the top three fund-raising teams represented all three counties. In first place was World Airways from Peachtree City with $4,297; in second was Millie's Marchers (Governor's Glen) from Clayton County with $3.595; in third was Papp Clinic of Coweta County with $3,164.

In-kind donations necessary to run the event ran over $10,800, Snow said.

"We just want to thank everyone in the three county area," Snow said. "We had excellent participation, especially considering the September 11 tragedy. The giving spirit of these three counties is just incredible."

The volunteers were crucial to making sure the walk went smoothly, Snow said. An American Legion post from Newnan helped assist with parking; the Peachtree City Kiwanis Club manned the grill for hot dogs and hamburgers; and the Peachtree Jazz Addition provided music.

"We got a lot of compliments on the music," Snow said.

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