Friday, October 12, 2001

Basinger gets contract from PTC Council


Peachtree City Manager Jim Basinger has been offered a 15-month, $100,000-a-year contract to remain the city's top employee.

The contract was approved unanimously by council at its meeting Thursday night.

The contract will automatically renew for additional one-year periods after Dec. 31, 2002 unless the city or Basinger give notice otherwise prior to Sept. 30 of each year.

With that one exception, the remaining portions of the contract "reflect the current treatment Mr. Basinger receives from the city," City Attorney Rick Lindsey said in a cover letter to council members.

Basinger has served as the city manager since 1984.

The contract was necessary due to a regulation in the newly adopted city charter requiring that the city manager be hired under a contract with the city, Lindsey said.

Council will still be permitted to terminate Basinger if it is ever deemed necessary, but he is guaranteed three months' severance pay according to the contract. The document spells out his monthly pay as $8,350, which equals $100,200 a year.

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