Sunday, October 7, 2001

Spring Hill collects needed supplies for New York City firemen

Like millions of Americans in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington D.C., students at Spring Hill Elementary School are finding a way to lend their help and support to those who have been directly effected by the devastation.

Barbara Grayson, a parent of two students at Spring Hill (Carly, second grade, and Andy, fifth grade), suggested that the school collect socks and baby wipes for the firemen in New York City. Grayson had heard reports that firemen involved in the rescue effort at the World Trade Center have to change their socks once every hour due to the buildup of dust and rubble and holes caused by friction from the concrete sidewalks. Baby wipes are needed to wipe the dust and sweat from the firemen's faces so that they can continue their task of searching for victims.

Grayson brought the need to the attention of the school Friday, Sept. 14. Two large bins were placed in the front hallway of the school the following Monday morning and by 7:30 a.m. the bins were already filled to the top.

"I'm stunned. I'm so proud of these guys. I didn't expect the response to be so great considering we just sent notes home to parents on Friday. This is unbelievable," said Michael Howell, principal of Spring Hill.

In addition to sending needed supplies, the students were also asked to enclose a small note of encouragement in the socks to let the firemen know how proud they are of them and what a great job they are doing.

The school continued to collect socks and baby wipes through Sept. 18. Grayson plans to package the supplies and mail them to the New York City Fire Department today.

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